This journey of finding my destiny has been incredible so far. God just continues to amaze me. I don't know why I am amazed when He answers my prays but I truly am. I think it is because He answers in such a personal way. No one has ever responded to me in such a personal way, not even my closest friends. Ever since I made this decision, He continuously puts people in my path that I need at that very moment. He also sends acknowledgement and words of encouragement to me, almost daily. This week alone He has added another name to the list of people that could play a significant role in seeing this dream become reality.
I received a copy of Wings of Hope magazine on Monday with my first published pieces of work. It was very exciting to see my words in print. I submitted two more articles to the magazine this week and the publisher sent me an email saying," the two articles you sent me last night were what I needed and what I'd been struggling with. I was very shocked it was like you were inside my head." Wow!!! Isn't God amazing. Talk about encouraging that made me realize I truly am right where God wants me at this very moment in time. I was given the name of a christian psychologist to talk to about helping with the book. I have put in a call and am waiting for his response. I don't know where all this will lead but I do know that God is teaching me that if I give Him my destiny He will provide what I need. That He is trustworthy and faithful. He is truly growing my faith by leaps and bounds. There is no high, like the most high. What a ride!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
God provides
God is truly an amazing God. He continuously blows me away with the things he does in my life. If I ask Him to show me something, He is faithful to do just that. Especially, when it involves a relationship I am in. I have asked him to show me, the true nature of the person I am with and inevitably He does. Each time I have asked him to reveal the truth to me, He has done it in a manner that was undeniable. Even though, I still find myself, not wanting to believe what He has shown me, in the end I realize that He sees everything and ultimately knows best. Too many times, I have gotten involved in a relationship that is not up to His standards and I am the one who ends up with the broken heart. When will I ever learn?
Lately, God has been putting people in my path just as I need them. As soon as this opportunity presented itself, I called my christian mentors and Sheila immediately gave me the name of an awesome christian career consultant that she knew and things have been happening like that ever since. Just last week, I was taking a class in Lexington about job interviews and I began to tell the teacher my story. He immediately told me about a local author (Neil Chethik) that worked at the center. He gave me his e-mail address and phone number and I called and set an appointment with him. I met with him yesterday and he had lots of good advice to give to a new writer.
About three weeks ago, God gave me an idea for a book, complete with a title. I am very anxious to get started on this project. But am currently taking computer classes online through the university of toyota. Since I only have about seven weeks left at toyota, I am trying to get as many classes, on computers, that I can get, in that time frame. I am also taking classes at a literacy center in Lexington that focuses on my writing skills. My life is very busy at the moment so writing a book will have to be put on hold at least until I can complete some of these courses. I am, however, looking for research material in the meantime. I have found several good books with information relating to my topic. I am anxious to see this project come together.
Lately, God has been putting people in my path just as I need them. As soon as this opportunity presented itself, I called my christian mentors and Sheila immediately gave me the name of an awesome christian career consultant that she knew and things have been happening like that ever since. Just last week, I was taking a class in Lexington about job interviews and I began to tell the teacher my story. He immediately told me about a local author (Neil Chethik) that worked at the center. He gave me his e-mail address and phone number and I called and set an appointment with him. I met with him yesterday and he had lots of good advice to give to a new writer.
About three weeks ago, God gave me an idea for a book, complete with a title. I am very anxious to get started on this project. But am currently taking computer classes online through the university of toyota. Since I only have about seven weeks left at toyota, I am trying to get as many classes, on computers, that I can get, in that time frame. I am also taking classes at a literacy center in Lexington that focuses on my writing skills. My life is very busy at the moment so writing a book will have to be put on hold at least until I can complete some of these courses. I am, however, looking for research material in the meantime. I have found several good books with information relating to my topic. I am anxious to see this project come together.
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